Locking Moments and Sets

Locking Moments allows collectors to climb Leaderboards connected to their favorite teams and players. Collectors will earn points for every Moment they lock, based on the Moment’s corresponding Top Shot Score value. If any Moment in a collection is locked, the owner will earn points on both the Moment's Team Leaderboard and its Player Leaderboard. Locked Moments cannot be sold, gifted, or withdrawn for 1 year.

Please Note

  • By locking a Moment, you are committing its Top Shot Score to your rank on any related Leaderboards. Locked Moments cannot be sold, gifted, or withdrawn for 1 year. This action cannot be undone.
  • Locking a Moment does not remove the Top Shot Score value associated with those Moments.
  • You can only unlock a Moment after the lock duration (1 year from the day you locked the Moment).
  • If a Moment is locked, that Moment will automatically get delisted from the Marketplace
  • If you receive an offer on a locked Moment, you will not have the ability to accept or reject the offer anymore. If somehow the transaction is attempted, the transaction will fail
  • Locked Moments will be usable in any Challenges except Crafting Challenges when the Moment will be burned

How to Lock Moments

Collectors can lock their Moments from multiple locations. Firstly, a collector can navigate to the Moment's page, and select the lock button towards the top right.



Collectors can also navigate to any team's Leaderboard page and click on Lock Moments


Alternatively, Collectors can get to the locking page from their profile on the Leaderboards tab by clicking on the Leaderboards Joined button.


Lastly, collectors can navigate directly to the Lock page here.

On this page, collectors can select multiple Moments to lock at once, and they do not all have to be for the same Leaderboard. Locking a Moment contributes its Top Shot Score to a rank on any related Leaderboard. 



Once a collector has selected the Moment(s) they want to lock, they can press the lock button and they will be asked to confirm the lock by typing in Lock.


From there, a pop-up will ask for another confirmation before submitting the transaction. 


Once the Moments are successfully locked, collectors will be able to see how this affected their positions on any related Leaderboards.



Locked Moments will remain in a collector's collection, and can be identified by a lock symbol and how many days until the Moment is eligible to be unlocked.


Set Locking

Locking a set follows the same process above however you can use filters to lock multiple Moments from a set. Select the filter button on the left-hand side of the Lock page here and scroll down to the Sets filter. This will help you to filter Moments from a specific set you'd like to lock. From there, you will be able to select up to 100 Moments to lock at once.


If you'd like to check out your Set locking progress or the Moment needed in a set, you can navigate to your Set collection here. From there you will need to click on a specific set in order to see your progress. For more details about sets, check out our article here.


Please Note: "Locked Set Completion" section on the Details tab is not yet available so please check each Moment is locked by viewing the lock indicator on the top left-hand corner of the Moment.