Unlocking Moments

Moments that have been locked for 365 days can be unlocked once the days remaining on the Moment reach zero. In order to unlock your Moments, you will first need to head to your Collection page by going to your profile in the top right-hand corner or from the My Collection button in the top bar and selecting the Moments tab. From here, you can either unlock Moments individually or in bulk.

Unlocking Individual Moments

Once you're on your Moments page, you can select the Moment you wish to unlock which is indicated by the lock icon and 0 Days Remaining next to it.

When you've chosen the Moment you'd like to unlock, you will be taken to the Moment details page where you will be able to select the Unlock button.

You will be asked to confirm that you understand unlocked Moments will not count towards any Leaderboards once the action is completed. If you acknowledge this, you can tick the checkbox and click the Unlock Moment button.

From here, you will be asked to confirm the transaction in your Dapper Wallet as a pop-up and then your Moment will be unlocked. It may take a few minutes for your Moments to be unlocked while the system updates.

Bulk Unlocking

To unlock several Moments at once, you can select the Unlock Moments button (unlock icon) in the right-hand corner of your profile page.

On the unlocking page, you will be shown the Moments you have available to unlock. You can use the filters in the top left-hand corner to sort through your Moments. Once you've selected the Moments you'd like to unlock, you can click on the Unlock Moment button in the right-hand corner.

You will be asked to confirm that you understand unlocked Moments will not count towards any Leaderboards once the action is completed. If you acknowledge this, you can tick the checkbox and click the Unlock Moment button.

From here, you will be asked to confirm the transaction in your Dapper Wallet as a pop-up and then your Moments will be unlocked. It may take a few minutes for your Moments to be unlocked while the system updates.